Getting Started: Onboarding to InnovidXP

Description: The articles in the table below provide useful information when you are learning how to onboard.

Article Details
Checking Your InnovidXP Web Tracker Contains steps to check if your InnovidXP web tag is firing.
What to Expect During Onboarding A quick and helpful overview of what onboarding entails.
InnovidXP Glossary of Terms Provides definitions for often-used terms in InnovidXP and is an excellent reference for anyone looking to understand the platform better.
Tracking Actions/KPIs

Explains how to add and track smart actions and how to add advanced actions and tags.

Quick Tagging Guide Gives a comprehensive overview of InnovidXP web tags and how they are implemented. These tags are essential for determining how video advertisements impact website visitation and activity.
Placing Tags with Google Tag Manager Explains how to place web response and action/KPI tags in InnovidXP with Google Tag Manager. 
Tracker and Tagging Guide Provides a detailed guide to the InnovidXP Tracker and information on implementing our tags on your website to ensure accurate data results.
FAQs: Onboarding to InnovidXP Provides answers to commonly asked questions relating to onboarding to InnovidXP.
Adding Response Tracker Tags Explains adding response tracker tags for both buy side and sell side.


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