Description: This document lists the common terms used in InnovidXP and defines each.

This document is intended for Innovid staff and customers who use InnovidXP and would like to be more familiar with the InnovidXP terms.

Terms and definitions

Term Definition
1:1 Attribution / Impression-based Attribution

A method of attribution that uses impression-based data: it matches a TV advert viewer to post-viewed outcomes using cross-device ID mapping technology.

For example, Smart TV data is used to identify who has been exposed to an advert, and then this is mapped to an online sale made by the same person using their tablet.

ACR (Automated Content Recognition) Video or audio fingerprinting that automatically detects and indexes content (typically of creatives) playing on TV. This could be performed in real-time or offline.
Action A consumer action taken in response to an ad. Commonly tracked actions include online registration, donation, and purchase.
Addressable A method that delivers targeted TV ads to specific households or household segments based on predetermined “triggers” or definitions (geo, demo, behavioral, etc.). MVPDs deliver this type of content to pay TV, cable, satellite, and on-demand subscribers.

- Viewership volume

- Characteristics of the viewing audience, for example, demographics, segments, groups, age, gender

- Characteristics of an audience to be bought, i.e., a TV media buyer wants to buy inventory based on reaching males aged 35-50

Authenticated audience A group of audiences that has gone through a validation process. For example, this might be a user sign-in via a website or streaming service. For linear TV, this must be supplied by the MVPD that holds the identifying information.
Baseline The volume of website/app traffic that would be experienced regardless of TV advertising.
Benchmarking The comparison of results to a norm or average within a specific advertiser category or type of media.
Bubble chart A variation of a scatter chart in which the data points are replaced or represented by bubbles and an additional dimension of the data is represented in the size of the bubbles. Like a scatter chart, a bubble chart does not use a category axis - both horizontal and vertical axes are value axes.
CTA (Call to Action) A prompt within an ad to encourage viewers to take immediate action and respond; it could be a phone number, promotion code, vanity URL, or simple ‘Search now’ suggestion.
Campaign A series of ads aired within a specific timeline and have a particular objective in common.
CTR (Click Through Rate) An efficiency KPI: The number of clicks an ad receives per impression, used to measure the success of a digital campaign. Calculated by looking at the ratio of action to exposure (how many people saw an ad/page/email and clicked on it).
Collector A system component that aggregates response data and forwards this for storage and analysis in the platform.
Comma Separated Value File (CSV) A delimited text file that uses a comma to separate values; this file is an option for data downloads in the platform.
Connected TV (CTV) A TV that connects to the internet, including smart TVs, devices like Roku and Apple TV, and gaming consoles like Xbox and Playstation.
CPA (Cost per Acquisition) An efficiency KPI: The cost of an advert divided by the number of resulting acquisitions or sales. For example, if an advert costs $100 and there are 10 resulting acquisitions, the CPA would be $10.
CPC (Cost per Click) An efficiency KPI: The cost of an advert divided by the number of clicks it drove.
CPE (Cost per Engagement) An efficiency KPI: The cost of an advert divided by the number of resulting actions, such as acquisitions or sales. For example, if an advert costs $100 and there are 10 resulting acquisitions, the CPA would be $10.
CPM (Cost per Mille) A cost KPI: The cost of purchasing a thousand views for an ad.
CPR (Cost per Response) An efficiency KPI: The cost of an advert divided by the number of responses it drove.
CPT (Cost per Thousand) A cost KPI: The cost of purchasing a thousand views for an ad.
Crosswalk A reference table that links two different data sets by using a common key (such as user ID). This is commonly used when linking an impression or outcome data set to an identity graph.
Custom Data View A non-standard data configuration customized to a client’s specific requirements. Insights are reconfigured according to the client’s expectations and objectives. This includes but is not limited to, combined campaign aggregations, combined subbrand aggregations, and taxonomy overrides to granularly understand the audience, channel, investment type, etc.
Data View A standard data configuration available within the XP platform. The number of views a client can expect to receive will be based on their investment tier/level of spend per contract or scope.
Daypart A section of the viewing day that the linear TV schedule is divided into - a broad time of day where ads can be delivered, e.g., morning, early fringe, prime, etc.
Device graph A map that links individuals to all devices they use (laptop, work computer, smartphone, etc.). Instead of counting each device as the behavior of a different person, a device graph counts them as one person, so there’s no duplication. Device graphs play a critical role in deduplicating audiences, as well as not overstating reach or understating frequency metrics.
DMA (Designated Market Area) A geographic region in the U.S. for measuring local TV. There are 210 local regions across the U.S.

Dual spot

Tri spot

Quad spot

The same ad is shown on the same channel but at different times in different time zones, e.g., East Coast / West Coast of the U.S.
Frequency The number of times an ad is served to the target audience.
GRP (Gross Rating Point) A metric for measuring a spot's value according to its audience size.
Heat map A two-dimensional representation of data in which values are represented by colors. A simple heat map provides an immediate visual summary of information. More elaborate heat maps allow the viewer to understand complex data sets.
Identity Resolution A data management process that links an individual's behavior across devices and digital footprints by gathering different datasets and using a unique matching process to create a single, data-rich profile for a person.
Impression An exposure to an ad. For CTV ad impressions, Innovid tracks second-by-second viewing as well as quartile and completes, and for linear, Innovid defines an ad impression as exposure for one or more seconds.
Impression-based measurement Using an impression-based methodology to model and measure campaign delivery. It typically uses a range of datasets, including viewership data from smart TVs and ad servers and ad occurrence data from sources like ACR and post logs.
Incremental reach Refers to finding incremental audiences, either unique audiences reached via CTV / OTT campaigns in addition to the audience reached by linear TV campaigns or additional audiences reached across specific streaming publishers. Incremental reach is usually achieved by expanding the media plan to include other inventory sources not included in the original campaign.
Initial impact The measurement of the immediate response to an ad.
KPI (Key Performance Indicator) A quantifiable metric used to measure and evaluate the performance of an advertising campaign.
Linear TV advertising or programming that plays on a predetermined schedule and channel across traditional cable and broadcast networks.
Local TV advertising or programming that reaches a specific market, delivered through cable, broadcast, or satellite (the U.S. only).
Longer-term The measurement of the lagged response to an ad beyond the initial impact.
Lookback Method A statistical method that uses historical data to try and predict what will happen going forward.
Match Rate The percentage of households/individuals from one dataset that can be found in another dataset.
Measurement The measurement of campaign delivery typically including metrics such as reach and frequency.
Outcomes The measurement of business outcomes driven by a campaign. Typically includes metrics such as response rate, Cost Per Response, and lower funnel actions such as registrations, downloads, or sales.
Pivot A set of summary data determined by a selection of available dimensions and metrics. Pivots are used to perform in-depth analysis, such as identifying optimization opportunities.
Pivot Chart A graph representing the data in a Pivot.
Pixel tag This is a piece of code embedded on a website and used to capture viewership data about content and advertising, as well as consumer/visitor usage and behavior.
Probabilistic attribution A form of attribution based on probabilities, not ID or device matching. It uses machine learning and statistical modeling techniques to identify probable TV-driven responses.
Profiles Settings managed within InnovidXP to configure how the results are presented.
Reach This is a common metric used to measure the number of people or households exposed to an ad (served at least once).
Reach extension The additional reach achieved by extending a campaign to run on different media, such as the additional reach generated by running a campaign across streaming platforms in addition to linear.
Response A user event (for example, a website visit or app download) counted by InnovidXP as being TV-driven. Innovid can apply two methodologies for calculating response - view throughs or incremental attribution.
ROAS (Return on Ad Spend) A metric calculated by dividing the revenue generated from an ad campaign by the cost of that campaign.
Split The Pivot engine links characteristics of an audience under analysis, such as demographics or browser type, with spots.
Spot An individual ad occurrence.
Spot Detect Automatically identified creatives/ads on a specific network.
Spot logs/post logs A list of spots that have been served: contains details of creative, program, network, daypart, impressions, and costs.
SSO (Single sign-on) An authentication process that allows users to authenticate with multiple websites or apps via one set of credentials securely.
Subdomain A subdomain is a prefix added to a domain to give a complex section of a site its own hierarchy. An example of a subdomain is:
Tag A piece of programming code is written to track responses to a website and various parameters around those responses. Tags are placed on websites or apps directly or through a tag manager.
Timestamp A record of the date and time to the second of which an event occurred.
Tracking The process of using a tag to track a visitor session and outcomes on a website.
TV influence A linear metric for the visitor rate difference between the households exposed to a campaign and a control group of unexposed households. It is expressed as an uplift percentage and uses visitor rates, not visit rates, within the calculations.


























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