Getting Started: Using InnovidXP

Description: The InnovidXP platform delivers reach, frequency, incremental reach, and attributed outcomes across linear, CTV, and digital video buys. The articles below are included in the Using the Product section:

Article Details
InnovidXP User Guide Describes how to use XP and includes the latest enhancements to the Open Beta version of the platform.
XP + Ad Serving Reach & Frequency Guide Provides details about the XP for clients who are ad serving with Innovid, including detailed summary of our CTV data granularity in the measurement tab (Reach and Frequency).
XP + Ad Serving OTT and Reach Extension User Guide Describes the OTT and Reach Extension metrics available to InnovidXP + Ad Serving customers in the U.S. only.
Predict Overview Provides an overview of what the InnovidXP feature Predict is, how it works, metrics, and recommendations.
Newsfeed Overview Explains how to enable and display the Newsfeed page and view notifications.
Setting Web Traffic Classifications Describes how to set traffic classifications for your web responses and how to add a new rule.
Impression Device Class Definitions Provides a list and definitions of the impression device classes found in InnovidXP.
InnovidXP Impression Data Guide Details what to provide when sending customer linear and/or streaming impression data to Innovid.
Data Evaluation Process Informs data partners of the Innovid data evaluation process and provides information for each step.
InnovidXP Mapping Tool Overview Provides an overview of the InnovidXP mapping tool and explains how to format and upload impression mapping files.
Threshold Filter Overview Details the mechanism to filter metrics from the InnovidXP Pivot area based on predefined criteria (thresholds). 
FAQs: Using InnovidXP Answers commonly asked questions when using the InnovidXP platform.


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