InnovidXP FAQs: Privacy and Security


This article answers commonly asked questions about InnovidXP privacy and security.

What information does the InnovidXP Impression Tracker collect?

Our impression tracker collects the following:

  • IP Address
  • Timestamp
  • User Agent
  • User Ref
  • Name of publisher
  • Origin
  • ID of publishers
  • ID of placement group/targeting strategy

In addition to these fields (and information that can be derived from these fields), we can also set up macros to pick up other data parameters. Please contact Innovid if additional macros are required.

What information does the InnovidXP Response Tracker collect?

There is only one InnovidXP visit tag needed per website, and it must be implemented on all website pages to measure total visits.

The web and action tags fire on page(s) they are placed, while obeying the required opt-in/opt-out mechanisms. Any comparison of web volumes and Google Analytics is on a like-for-like basis as the tag is intended to interact in a consistent way with the consent criteria.

Web tags should be placed on the client's website by the web manager. We recommend installing tags two weeks before your campaign goes live to allow time for data QA.

The visit tag can also measure visits to specific pages or sections of a website if they have the same parent URL.

The web tag code is provided via the InnovidXP platform. It can be pasted directly onto each page or implemented using a Tag Management System, such as Google Tag Manager.

The Javascript-based InnovidXP response tracker collects the following information:

  • IP address
  • Unique ID for the visitor (1st party cookie)
  • User Agent *
  • Timestamp: date and time when the session starts
  • URLs of the pages visited and any actions
  • Referrer URL (if applicable)
  • Device ID (if available)

* A​​​​ user agent is a short piece of text that attempts to describe the software/browser (the "agent") that is making the request to a website. Web browsers include the user agent string in the requests they make to websites. The user agent may include descriptions of the Operating System and device type that the browser/agent is running on.

Learn more about the cookies placed using our web tracker.

Note: The TCF is designed to help all parties in the digital advertising chain ensure that they comply with the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and ePrivacy Directive. Our web response tracker is available in a TCF-compliant version. Refer to the IAB TCF support materials for more details.

Can website visitors "opt out" of being tracked by InnovidXP?

For opt-out, the website owner must ensure that visitors can opt out of any cookies or tracking as part of using their website.

Note: Innovid is TCF compliant and respects any opt-out requests sent via a third-party cookie consent manager. The TCF is designed to help all parties in the digital advertising chain ensure that they comply with the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and ePrivacy Directive. Our web response tracker is available in a TCF-compliant version. Refer to the IAB TCF support materials for more details.

Response tracker

For users to opt out of our web response tracker, we recommend that the website owner integrate a third-party cookie consent manager that provides a consent mechanism for users to opt out of the Innovid web tracker.

Some suggested third-party cookie consent manager options are:

Impression tracker

An opt-out tag is used for users to opt out of impression tracking. This tag passes Innovid the users’ consent (or lack of consent), and we adjust accordingly.

Note: End users may also wish to manage their cookies wider through their browser or operating system settings on their computer or device. They can find instructions on how to do this through their browser or operating system.

Related content
Innovid Privacy Policy
InnovidXP Privacy Compliance
About our Web Tracker Cookies

Do InnovidXP reports include personally identifiable information?

No. It is possible to generate an export report of all the responses that have been attributed, but this does not include any identifiable information.

Note: An internal user/customer ID can be supplied to InnovidXP within the web response tag. This can then be included in an export report. However, this is a customized setting and does not happen by default.

How does consent work if Innovid is not the ad server?

If Innovid is not serving the ad impressions, advertisers and publishers must ensure that the InnovidXP impression pixel is trafficked correctly. Consent, therefore, would be managed by the media publisher or media viewing app, and only information for consented viewers would be sent to InnovidXP.

Note: Impression data is gathered from publishers via Innovid impression pixels. All publishers have been tested, approved, and calibrated to ensure the correct volume of impressions is sent to Innovid. 

If you are experiencing any impression pixel issues, see the information in FAQs: Analyzing Data.

I have different agencies. How do I make sure they do not see each other's data?

Data groups give you the opportunity to restrict certain spot data access to certain users. 

InnovidXP allows the setup of data groups, and you can request a new data group by emailing us at

Using the roles and permissions function, you can give users from different agencies access to certain data groups. Users will only see the data within data groups that they can access.

Apple Privacy Relay

What does the Apple Privacy Relay change involve?

An improved approach to correct for external factors such as Apple iCloud Private Relay, which impacts counting and attribution of TV-driven web responses, particularly in cases where (hashed) IP addresses are used as an identifier.

Why did Innovid make the Apple Privacy Relay change?

Over the past months, Apple has been rolling out additional layers of privacy protection across countries including the use of a Privacy Relay, making it harder to correctly count web visits and use IP address as an identifier. 

Apple Privacy Relay: What does this mean for me?

Almost all clients who use analysis to understand the TV-driven impact on web visits will be impacted. Depending on the type of measurement and outcomes models used, you may observe a change in attribution metrics from the point of the change. The impact is hard to quantify as it varies depending on:

  • Geographic location

  • Roll-out speed of Apple’s Private Relay 

  • Particulars of individual campaigns

  • Mix of Safari’s users vs. others who visit your website 

When did the Apple Privacy Relay change happen?

We began upgrading in April 2023, and the rollout continued through Q2 2023. Net new customers already benefit from this upgrade.

Will the Apple Privacy Relay changes be retroactive? Will Innovid reprocess historic data?

No, we will implement the modeling change at a fixed point in time and will not process historical results.

How will I know when the Apple Privacy Relay change has been made to my InnovidXP platform?

You will receive an email confirmation.

How does InnovidXP collect my data?

Data is collected by InnovidXP using our web and action tags that fire on the page(s) they are placed while obeying the required opt-in/opt-out mechanisms:

Website tagging

InnovidXP has its own JavaScript and image tags that you can place on your website itself or by using a tag management system. More information can be found in our Quick Tagging Guide.

Web response files

InnovidXP allows you to upload web files of historic data or current data if you cannot place tags. The files are generally in CSV, XLS, or XLSX format and contain individual session data or aggregated minute counts. There are instructions on creating a response file in Uploading Web/App Response Files.

App tagging

Though rarely used, we do have JavaScript tags for iOS and Android, which can be used if our Integrations do not provide a solution for you. You can deploy the tags through a tag manager or on the app directly. Please note, that deploying the tags directly on your app will require the user to update the app to activate the change.

App integrations

We have a wide range of app integrations that are easily set up. More information can be found in the Getting Started: Integrating with InnovidXP article.

App response files

Innovid allows you to upload app files of historic data or current data if you cannot place tags or integrate with a third-party tracking system. The files are generally in CSV, XLS, or XLSX format and contain individual session data or aggregated minute counts. There are instructions on creating a response file in Uploading Web/App Response Files.

Phone and SMS files

Innovid allows you to upload phone or SMS response files. The files are generally in CSV, XLS, or XLSX format and contain individual Phone/SMS data or aggregated minute counts of phone/SMS data. There are instructions on creating a phone or SMS response file in Uploading Phone/SMS Response Files.

Note: The TCF is designed to help all parties in the digital advertising chain ensure that they comply with the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and ePrivacy Directive. Our web response tracker is available in a TCF-compliant version. Refer to the IAB TCF support materials for more details.

Do tags work with cookie permissions?

Tags are affected according to how cookies are handled on your website. For example, if cookies are only accepted when a user selects another link on the site, then the tag will fire late, and will not fire at all for people who only visit a single page. This will result in a discrepancy when we check volumes against Google Analytics.

Follow these guidelines:

  • Tags should only be set to fire after cookies have been accepted by a user because the tag does use and place cookies
  • Tags will not fire until the user accepts cookies, so ensure this happens as soon as possible after the user lands on your website

Learn more about the cookies placed using our web tracker.

Related content

Getting Started: Integrating with InnovidXP

Uploading Web/App Response Files

Uploading Phone/SMS Response Files

Quick Tagging Guide

Automating Exports

InnovidXP Compliance

How to Manage InnovidXP User Logins, Roles and Permissions

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