This area provides a list of FAQ sections related to InnovidXP.
This FAQ section is a dedicated area that provides answers to common queries asked by users of InnovidXP. The different areas that the FAQs cover generally relate to the sections within the help center; however, some FAQs are also aimed at specific features, e.g., spot files and SSO.
- InnovidXP FAQs: General
- InnovidXP FAQs: Introduction to InnovidXP
- InnovidXP FAQs: Managing Exports
- InnovidXP FAQs: Privacy and Security
- InnovidXP FAQs: Using the Product
- InnovidXP FAQs: Data Validation
- InnovidXP FAQs: Analyzing Data
- InnovidXP FAQs: Onboarding
- InnovidXP FAQs: Spot Files
- InnovidXP FAQs: Single Sign-On
- InnovidXP FAQs: Dashboards