This article provides tips and explanations about spot files, including locating blanks, upload errors, and data not being visible.
How long will my file take to process?
The process time depends on three factors:
- The size of the spot file
- The date range covered by the spot file
- The amount of response data within the date range
In general, the more spots and responses across a longer date, the longer the file will take to process. We encourage small files uploaded consistently rather than large files covering an expansive date range.
Why is my file upload slow to process?
If your file takes longer than usual to load, check the size and date range of the file you are trying to upload.
For example, if you regularly upload a week's worth of data and it typically takes an hour, and this time the file contains 3 months of data, this will take a little longer to process. The platform is used to a different uploading pattern and needs to be adjusted.
If the file you try to upload follows your normal pattern, it may be a data processing issue. Our experts are constantly monitoring this and will contact your Account Manager.
If the problem persists, contact your Account Manager or email support-xp@innovid.com.
How do I check my spot file has been uploaded successfully?
When the modeling is complete, an email is sent to your account email address with a summary and status confirmation for the completed modeling:
Green: Success - your spot data has been added to the model successfully
Amber: Caution - your spot data has been added, but one or more assumptions had to be made on your data, for example, by overwriting duplicate spots
Red: Failed - your file could not be loaded, for example, due to bad formatting or missing data
If your spot data file was successfully added and the email summary matches your expectations, you can also check the data in InnovidXP:
Select Data > Spots > Raw Breakdown and ensure the spot data displayed is correct. If relevant, you can select a different value in the Spot metric dropdown to view and confirm, for example, the cost or audience of each spot.
- By navigating to Data > Spots > Upload File you can also view the status of the uploaded spot files within the In Progress and Processed tabs.
Locating blanks in a spot file
You might be alerted to blanks in your spot file, either via email or in InnovidXP.
When checking any file for blanks, or any other data issues, you should apply a filter to all columns and check to see if you can isolate the blanks in the required fields.
When you select the blanks option in the field, it will return all rows where that field contains blanks. If the blank is part of the data you want to upload, you can fill in the blanks or remove the row completely.
Sometimes, files have blank rows at the end of the data that are different from having empty rows. You can solve this by selecting the rows from the end of the data to the end of the file and deleting them. Check that no more blanks remain by using the filter, and if they don’t, then you are good to go.
Spot upload errors
Sometimes an incorrect spot file will be uploaded by mistake. If this happens, there are two ways to fix it:
- The correct spot file can be re-uploaded. This will overwrite the corresponding date range of the existing spot file with that of the re-uploaded spot file.
- Get in touch with your InnovidXP representative or the support team (support-xp@innovid.com). They can help by purging the data.
Uploaded spot files with the same or overlapping date ranges will always overwrite the existing date range within the platform. If you have multiple spot sources with the same date range, these can be uploaded by using different data groups. This lets you see the separate data sources and prevents overwriting.
To create data groups please get in touch with your InnovidXP representative or the support team (support-xp@innovid.com) as this option is not available by default.
Why have my spots been overwritten?
When you upload a spot file, any spot data already in the system for the date range in the file will be overwritten. This ensures you always have the most recent data in the portal.
This business rule is especially helpful when you upload pre logs and post logs once your campaign is done.
If you have multiple source files for your spot data, you will need to consolidate these into a single file for upload. You will then be able to upload the file.
Why is no data visible on the platform?
If you are unable to view any data, try the following:
- Make sure you are looking at the correct date range. You can adjust the date using the Date Selector in the top right of the screen:
- Make sure you have permissions for the correct data group.
Why am I missing some data fields?
You might notice that not all the fields in your file are accessible in the platform. This is due to the mapping process which takes place when you upload a file. Ensure you have mapped all the fields you need and follow the process to have access to all the data you require.
If you have already re-uploaded a file and cannot see the data you wish to see, re-upload the file with the correct mapping. The file will overwrite the old one and you will be able to view the data in those fields you hadn't mapped before.
What is an invalid market error message?
If an "invalid market" error message is displayed within the spot upload section of the platform, one of the markets listed in your spot file has an unknown name that is not recognized by our system.
To view our list of accepted market aliases, click the Download Accepted Market Aliases link. You will be able to see all the different name conventions our system uses for the various markets. You can find the link here:
Data > Spot > Upload File > New Upload > Download Accepted Market Aliases
How does InnovidXP deal with overlapping spots?
We use audience numbers to weight response spikes appropriately, for example:
"Spot A" airs at 9.00 AM with 100,000 viewers and "Spot B" airs at 9.01 AM with 50,000 viewers. This results in only ONE spike in traffic. Spot A gets double the amount of response than Spot B.
This is apportioned evenly, based on audience.
Spot | Time | Viewers | Response percentage |
Spot A | 09:00 | 100000 | 66.67% |
Spot B | 09:01 | 50000 | 33.33% |
How does InnovidXP deal with zero-rated spots?
InnovidXP ensures that zero-rated spots DO get attributed and we calibrate to ensure they get attributed appropriately.
We know that even when a spot is zero-rated, i.e., a spot with no audience, people have still watched it, despite this not being captured. So, during our calibration process, we make sure that zero-rated spots get some attribution by giving them an average number, based on audience figures.
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