This article answers commonly asked questions relating to InnovidXP data validation.
What do "in scope" and "out of scope" mean?
Traffic is split into various classifications within each category:
In scope for TV
- direct: no referrer information, or referrer is internal to the same domain
- orgsearch: web page listings that most closely match the user search query, based on relevance
- paysearch: web page listings that website owners have paid to display their website when certain keywords are used
- collected: traffic that is collected before processing and only used when portals are dormant due to inactivity, i.e. have not had spots uploaded for 18 days + the maximum lag period
- tvwebsite: a form of web traffic classification which allows us to identify users who have arrived at a unique URL which is only publicized on TV (To get traffic classified as TV Website please contact support with the URL that is unique to TV advertising. Classifying traffic as TVWebsite will result in a soft 1:1 match against the nearest spot, and an exact match to the relevant spot if your spot upload includes the URL you provided to support in a field mapped to 'tvwebsite'.)
Out of scope for TV
- out of scope: traffic located outside the country of advertising, so cannot be directly impacted by TV advertising
- campaign: traffic tagged with suitable campaign tags, covers, emails, etc.
- banner: variation of campaign, specific to banner adverts that we can identify with standard parameters
- affiliate: traffic from a 3rd party non-search website; may include traffic which is typically campaign where we can't see suitable campaign parameters
To change any default referrer classifications, add one or more rules using regular expression (what is regex?).
Default Referrer Classifications
This table lists the referrer classifications in the InnovidXP platform and provides a description of how they are categorized, and a definition of each.
Referrer Classification | Description | Definition |
orgsearch | From a search engine and contains search terms | Web page listings that most closely match a user search query, based on relevance rather than a paid ad. |
paysearch | Looks for specific ved codes OR 'utm_medium' cpc ppc ppcsearch OR 'cvosrc' == 'ppc' OR 'gclid' in URL or refurl (google click identifier) | Web page listing that a website owner has paid to display in search engine results when certain keywords are used. |
campaign | Has 'utm_campaign' in URL or refurl and != 'web aff' OR 'utm_source' in url or refurl OR 'utm_medium' in URL or refurl and != 'tv' OR 'cvosrc' == 'display' | Traffic tagged with suitable campaign tags, covers, emails, etc. |
tvwebsite | 'utm_medium' == 'tv' |
A form of web traffic classification which allows us to identify users who have arrived at a unique URL that is only publicized on TV. To get traffic classified as ‘tvwebsite’, please contact Innovid Support with the URL that is unique to TV advertising. Classifying traffic as ‘tvwebsite’ will result in a soft 1:1 match against the nearest spot, and an exact match to the relevant spot, if your spot upload includes the URL you provided to Support in a field mapped to 'tvwebsite'. |
affiliate | 'utm_medium' == 'affiliate' OR 'cvosrc' == 'affiliate' OR 'utm_campaign == 'web aff' OR is none of the other types and has a referrer URL | Traffic from a 3rd party non-search website; may include traffic which is typically campaign where we can't see suitable campaign parameters. |
direct | None of the above and either no referrer url or referrer URL is the same as the URL | User goes directly to the website. No referrer information, or referrer is internal to the same domain. |
What happens to non-Samba data when tracking impression-based linear?
Samba tracks certain channels and these are included in impression-based linear modeling.
If Samba does not track a channel and you (or your client) are signed up for impression-based linear, any data from these channels will go through our probabilistic spike modeling.
What is the difference between Inscape attributed and ingested channels?
Ingested channel data is sent to Inscape servers by the provider and is the exact feed of the station, therefore, near-perfect data.
Attributed channels play the same content as the parent channel which means results can be attributed. For example, when “The Voice” showing in Wisconsin can be matched to the NY airing, Inscape will be able to attribute. They are unable to attribute when local programming is specific to local affiliates.
Where can I analyze my spot data?
Within the Analysis tab of the platform, you can examine spot uploads at a highly granular level, including by program, genre, channels, creatives and dates. You can also export spot data and attribution to upload to your own visualization tools.
How do I get my traffic classified as "tvwebsite"?
This is also known as "vanity URL" and allows us to identify users who have arrived at a unique URL that is only publicized on TV.
To get traffic classified as ‘tvwebsite’, please contact support-xp@innovid.com with the URL that is unique to TV advertising. Classifying traffic as tvwebsite will result in a soft 1:1 match against the nearest spot, or, if your spot upload includes the URL provided to Support, an exact match to the relevant spot, mapped to the tvwebsite field.
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