InnovidXP FAQs: Onboarding to InnovidXP


This article contains answers to commonly asked questions related to onboarding to InnovidXP.


Our Javascript-based web tag measures total visits to a website. There is only one visit tag needed per website, and it must be implemented on all pages of your website to measure total visits.

The web and action tags fire on the page(s) they are placed, while obeying the required opt-in/opt-out mechanisms. Any comparison of web volumes and Google Analytics is on a like-for-like basis, as the tag is intended to interact in a consistent way with the consent criteria.

Web tags should be placed on the client's website by the web manager.

We recommend installing tags two weeks before your campaign goes live to allow time for data QA.

Will InnovidXP web tags cause latency issues on my website?

We are confident our web tags won't affect the latency of your website, due to the following:

  • Our tracker is optimized, compressed, and loaded asynchronously to have minimal impact on page loading times, no matter where or how you add your scripts to a page
  • We minimize the code to remove unnecessary characters from the source code, for example, white spaces and redundant data, without affecting how the code is processed by the browser
  • We further optimize the script to remove unnecessary commas, comments, and 'dead code'
  • Because the script is loaded asynchronously, it loads a few seconds after the page is loaded, avoiding those 'waiting' messages that can appear at the bottom of a web page
  • Our tracker server is highly performant and is built using Amazon auto-scaling technology to cope with millions of tracks every day; the AWS auto-scaling monitors our applications and automatically adjusts capacity to maintain steady, predictable performance
  • We have servers in the U.S. and the EU and will use the one most suited for a client for speed and privacy concerns
  • We expect our server to fully complete a tracking request in around one millisecond, although the internet between us and a customer's browser may add delays that are beyond our control

How can I be confident that your web tracker won't damage my website?

The tracker is built on an auto-scaling architecture that grows during periods of high demand. If, for any reason, a load threshold is reached, the tracker will drop sessions rather than slow your service. Therefore, you can be sure that the tracker won’t damage your website.

My Google Tag Manager tag is not firing correctly

Note: It is important to remember that it can take up to 24 hours to see data on the Raw Breakdown page. If more than 24 hours have passed, you can try the following troubleshooting tips.

Response Tag

  1. Ensure that the code has not been edited. We recommend that you copy and paste the code directly into the HTML field of the Tag configuration.
  2. Ensure that the Response Tag trigger is set to All Pages:
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Action/KPI Tag

  1. Ensure that the code has not been edited. We recommend copying and pasting the code directly into the HTML field of the Tag configuration and only editing the parameters.
  2. All custom variables should be in quotation marks and in curly brackets, for example: 'rev': '{{SALEREVENUE}}'. If you do not use any variables in your code, place an empty string in between those quotation marks, for example: 'rev': ' '
  3. Ensure that the Innovid Action/KPI Tag trigger is the same as the GA Goal for this action.

Related content

Placing Tags with Google Tag Manager

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