This article presents answers to commonly asked questions about exports and managing exports.
Can I export data?
Yes; you can export any report into PDF, CSV, or PPTX formats using InnovidXP's data exporting tool from the customer dashboard, or in the Analysis and Data areas.
Can I print out or create a presentation on the results to share with other people?
Yes; you can export any report into PDF, CSV, or PPTX formats using Innovid's data exporting tool from the customer dashboard, or in the Analysis and Data areas.
What data exports can I create?
You can create the following data exports: Action, Response, Spot and OTT. More information on how to configure these can be found in Configuring Exports.
Why do data exports not include geo-location data or publisher names?
As the global leader in TV attribution, Innovid is at the forefront of data protection and consumer privacy, and our policies continually evolve to meet industry demands.
In order to ensure best practice, in line with global privacy laws (including CCPA and GDPR), we have strengthened our approach to data exports from the InnovidXP platform:
Since early 2020, we have not included any geo-location data in exports.
When an advertiser uses OTT, the data exports do not show publisher names. Publishers are displayed as 'TVSquared VOD'. This is due to restrictions in publisher agreement terms.
If you would like further information on how any of this may affect your existing exports, please contact your Innovid Account Manager.
What data is included for action exports?
Intended use cases
For Probabilistic attribution (the "spike model"), you can:
- Identify the individual users in any reporting period who have taken an action, as long as the probability value in the export is taken into account
- Perform a detailed analysis or classification of the spots that drive specific types of actions, beyond what is available in the InnovidXP user interface
For OTT attribution, and action exports, you can:
- Link actions with groups of OTT impressions with similar characteristics
- View the outcome probabilities for aggregated analysis by various dimensions
For Linear impression-based attribution, you can:
- View the outcome probabilities for aggregated analysis by various dimensions only
Unsupported use cases
Our existing action export functionality is not intended to support the following Linear Impression-based or OTT use cases:
- To remarket to the customer
- To use the granular export data for outside platform MTA
- To identify the individual users in any reporting period who have donated to a cause or have made a specific purchase
What data can I export for OTT and linear impression-based campaigns?
Users can export OTT and linear impression-based data via Data > Exports on the main menu.
Users can export any data that is available to pivot in the Analysis area of the platform, but not all of the information and metrics presented in the Campaign area (e.g. reach and frequency).
Note the following:
For data privacy reasons, data exports exclude any geo-location information
Due to third-party contractual obligations, data exports do not contain origin or publisher information
Origin and Publisher are removed from session/action exports even if available in pivots
When exporting OTT or linear impression-based data, it's important to select the correct data groups, for example:
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