Getting Started: Analyzing the Data

Description: This section provides information about our demographic features in the product, working with InnovidXP Charts and Reports, creating Pivots, using Dayparts, and viewing the Reach Extension page when analyzing campaign data:

Article Details
InnovidXP + Ad Serving OTT Demographics User Guide Explains the Demographics tab in the Open Beta version of the InnovidXP platform, available to select ad serving customers only.
Inscape Demographics Overview Provides an overview of Inscape VIZIO vs. 3rd-party Experian data for various demographic groups.
Pivots Overview Explains why Pivots are important, how to create and access them, and their use in creating Graphs and Charts to analyze and filter data to optimize opportunities.
Creating Charts and Reports Describes how charts can be created, saved, and exported to different formats.
Reach Extension Overview Describes how InnovidXP determines reach extension by identifying the overlap in households exposed to both linear and OTT/CTV impressions.
Understanding and Customizing Dayparts Defines the default dayparts and describes how to customize dayparts in your platform.
FAQs: Analyzing Data Provides answers to commonly asked questions about analyzing InnovidXP data.

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