This article explains how InnovidXP determines reach extension by identifying the overlap in households exposed to both linear and OTT/CTV impressions. It also explains how OTT helps to extend reach beyond linear.
Linear impression data is used to detect the overlap in exposure and the unique reach of each channel. We identify linear households served with OTT/CTV impressions, linear impressions and those that have been exposed to both. Overlap (those identified as having seen both) is applied to validate total OTT/CTV and linear impressions and reach calculations.
The following image shows how the linear panel data is used to identify percentages exposed to linear, CTV, and to both:
Interpreting the Reach Extension chart
You can view the Reach Extension page if you are tracking both OTT and impression-based linear campaigns.
The Reach Extension chart helps you to understand how OTT is helping to extend your reach beyond linear, and how big an overlap is happening.
The left circle represents the number of impressions and households reached on OTT, and the right circle represents the number of impressions and households reached on linear. The middle section is the overlap.
For example:
If the Reach Extension results in this chart don’t match the data in the pivot, it is because, in the Reach Extension chart shown above, we are only showing the proportion overlap of linear and OTT that we see within the linear panel, but that proportion does not take into account the total number of OTT impressions in the whole campaign, only what can be seen in the panel.
This means that the larger the OTT campaign, the less likely that the overlap within the panel is closely representative of the overall overlap.
The following table lists the metrics shown in the Reach Extension chart.
Metric | Media Type | Description |
Share of Impressions | Linear | The percentage of all impressions served during the campaign that went to households that were served linear impressions only. |
OTT | The percentage of all impressions served during the campaign that went to households that were served OTT impressions only. | |
Overlap | The percentage of all impressions served during the campaign that went to households that were served both linear and OTT impressions. | |
Reach Proportion | Linear | The percentage of all households that were reached during the campaign that were reached by linear only. |
OTT | The percentage of all households that were reached during the campaign that were reached by OTT only. | |
Overlap | The percentage of all households that were reached during the campaign that were reached by both linear and OTT. | |
Average Frequency | Linear | The average number of linear impressions that each household only exposed to linear was served. |
OTT | The average number of OTT impressions that each household only exposed to OTT was served. | |
Overlap | The average number of impressions that each household exposed to both linear and OTT was served. | |
Unique Reach | Linear | The percentage of households reached by linear that were served linear impressions only, (no OTT). |
OTT | The percentage of households reached by OTT that were served OTT impressions only, (no linear). | |
Overlap | N/A |