
This article describes integrating with different tag managers that enable you to install, store, and manage tags.

Learn more about the cookies placed using our web tracker.

  • Note: Our Javascript-based web tag measures total visits to a website. Only one visit tag is needed per website, and it must be implemented on all pages of your website to measure total visits. 
    The web and action tags fire on the page(s) they are placed while obeying the required opt-in/opt-out mechanisms. Any comparison of web volumes and Google Analytics is on a like-for-like basis as the tag is intended to interact in a consistent way with the consent criteria.
    The web manager should place web tags on the client's website. We recommend installing tags two weeks before your campaign goes live to allow time for data QA.


Adobe Activation Tag Manager 

Contact Innovid Support for assistance with the integration at support-xp@innovid.com.

Google Tag Manager

See the Placing Tags with Google Tag Manager article.

Segment Tag Manager

What you need

You will need the platform's Client and Brand IDs. To find these, complete the following:

  1. Select Data Responses TVS Tracker Instructions Step 1.
  2. Copy the values highlighted below. For the Client ID, you only need the 3-5 digit number.



How to integrate

Go to the following Segment web page and follow the instructions:

Tealium Tag Manager

What you need

You will need the platform's Site ID and Collector ID. To find these, complete the following:

  1. Select Data Responses TVS Tracker Instructions Step 1.
  2. Copy the values highlighted below:


How to integrate

Go to the Tealium web page and follow the instructions.

Ensighten Tag Manager

What you need

You will need your Brand or Site ID and Collector ID. To find these, complete the following:

  1. Select Data Responses > Tracker Instructions > Step 1.
  2. Copy the values highlighted below:


How to integrate

Login to your Ensighten account, select Apps on the left and search for InnovidXP. Select Configure and follow the steps for either the Visit Tracker or the Action Tracker below

To integrate with the Visit Tracker (Step 1 in InnovidXP):

  1. Select Basic Tracker.
  2. Enter the Site ID and Collector ID you copied and select Continue.
  3. Select the relevant 'Space'.
  4. Trigger the tag to fire on ALL pages
  5. Save and Commit.

To integrate with the Action Tracker (Step 2 in InnovidXP):

  1. Select User Action Tracker.
  2. Enter the Site ID and Collector ID you copied.
  3. Enter the Action Name.
  4. Populate the rest of the fields where appropriate (enter 0 in the revenue field if it is not being used).
  5. Select Continue.
  6. Select the relevant 'Space'.
  7. Trigger the tag to fire ONLY on the page it is relevant for or when an event occurs.
  8. Save and Commit.

Check your tags

After your tags are set up, use Google Chrome to go to your website, right-click on the page and select Inspect Element. Follow the steps below:

  1. Navigate to Network.
  2. Search for tv2.
  3. Check if the tags are firing as per the image below:

4. If tags are firing, select them and view the status.

Check your integration

There are tools, such as Ghostery, that assist in viewing tags firing across websites. 

Within the next 24 hours, you will be able to see some of the raw data come through on the Raw Breakdown page (by navigating to Data > Responses > Raw Breakdown in InnovidXP).

Allow for a full 24 hours of data collection to pass before comparing volumes with your analytics tool to ensure we are pulling through the correct volumes of traffic.

Related content
App Integrations
About our Web Tracker Cookies
Measuring in Privacy Environments (including Apple Private Relay & VPNs)

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