DescriptionThis article provides guidance on the intended response / action exports for the following InnovidXP modeling approaches:

  • OTT
  • Impression-based linear
  • Probabilistic spike 

It also provides information on unsupported use cases and why, in certain exceptional circumstances, the timestamps of some actions in export reports appear to have taken place before linear spots are aired.

Intended use cases of response/action exports

Attribution Type Intended Use Case(s)
OTT Attribution
  • Link actions with groups of OTT impressions with similar characteristics
  • Create a summary of outcome probabilities at an aggregated level
Impression-based Linear Attribution
  • Create a summary of outcome probabilities at an aggregated level
Probabilistic Spike Model Attribution
  • Identify individual users in any reporting period who have taken an action, as long as the probability value in the export is taken into account
  • Analyze spots with similar characteristics that drive specific actions


Unsupported use cases

The following listed items are use cases that are not supported for action exports with impression-based linear:

  • To remarket to the end user
  • To use the granular export data outside the Innovid platform for MTA (Multi-Touch Attribution)
  • To identify the individual users in any reporting period who have donated to a cause or have made a specific purchase
Generating action exports for impression-based linear

In exceptional circumstances, you may see actions in the granular action export before the advert spot has aired. This is a consequence of the impression-based linear modeling approach, where the exports are used outside their supported use case (see table above). This is because while responses and sales from viewers inside the linear impression-based panel are deterministically attributed, InnovidXP upscales these matched responses, so our reporting represents the full market.

InnovidXP exports are designed to align with the aggregated results in the platform and to analyze outcomes across spots with similar characteristics. The totals are representative of the likely impact of the campaign across the full market. However, action exports are not intended for use with Impression-based Linear except for analysis of attribution in aggregate. This is because response exports are not suitable for direct connection to CRM data sets for analysis or activation purposes. These use cases are unsupported and might display actions before the spot has aired. 

The following diagram outlines how this can sometimes happen:

11_2023_Action Export diagram.png

1. Observed outcomes from the InnovidXP panel are linked to the ad impression defined by the time of the aired spot, hour six as indicated in the diagram.
2. Modeled outcomes for any day are distributed over the day, reflecting the shape of responses seen.
3. Total aggregated outcomes in the exports align with totals in the InnovidXP platform.


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