Description: This task describes how to make sure your exports are scheduled for automatic delivery to your computer, by download or SFTP.

Enabling automation

When you configure or edit any export type (action, response, or spot), you must select the Enable Automation checkbox to display options to schedule automatic exports. For example, you can set the day, time, frequency, delivery method, and who gets email notifications about the export.
Complete the following steps to display the Export Configurations screen:

  1. Select Data > Export from the main menu.
  2. Select Configure Exports.
  3. Select the Edit button for an existing export or select the Create New Configuration dropdown and select a type of export if you are creating a new export configuration (see Configuring Exports for more information).
  4. Select the Enable Automation checkbox to display and edit schedule options. 
  5. Complete the required fields. There are three types of exports that you can select in the When would you like the export automatically delivered field. Select the option that matches the cadence and content you require, for example:
  • Day of the month: select this if you need to pull data on a specific date each month to provide an overview of the data
  • Day of the week: select this if you would like more granular data as you rapidly optimize, as the cadence is more frequent
  • Per spot upload: select this when you need a report every time there is a linear log file uploaded

Note: The fields displayed change based on what you select, according to the export requirements.

Day of the week

Day of the week.jpg  

Day of the week
Field Description
Choose a day Select a day or combination of days of the week to receive the export report, e.g., Monday and Thursday.
Choose a frequency Select how often the report should be delivered, e.g., Weekly.
Select a time for your export (UTC) Select a time you would like the report to be delivered, e.g., 09:00
Delivery method

Select the method of delivery, e.g., Secure Download.

Note: Options available for selection depend on what is configured in the platform.

Select a duration for the report Select the date range for the export report to include, e.g., Previous calendar month.
Select how many days to offset your data by

Select the number of days that you would like the scheduled date of the report to be offset by, e.g., 5.

This means that if you want the report on a Monday, the data in the report will be based on the previous five days.

Enter any additional email addresses you wish to have a notification sent to

Select the email addresses of the users to whom you would like to send the report.

Note: You can only select emails for users already added to the platform.


Day of the month

Day of the month.jpg

Day of the month
Field Description
Choose a date Select a date of the month to receive the export report, e.g., 15
Select a time for your export (UTC) Select a time you would like the report to be delivered, e.g., 09:00
Delivery method

Select the method of delivery, e.g., Secure Download.

Note: Options available for selection depend on what is configured in the platform.

Select a duration for the report Select the date range for the export report to include, e.g., Previous calendar month.
Select how many days to offset your data by

Select the number of days that you would like the scheduled date of the report to be offset by, e.g., 5.

This means that if you want the report on a specific date, the data in the report will be based on the previous five days.

Enter any additional email addresses you wish to have a notification sent to

Select the email addresses of the users to whom you would like to send the report.

Note: You can only select emails for users already added to the platform.


Per spot upload

Per spot upload.jpg

Per spot upload
Field Description
Choose a delay in days after the spot upload Select the number of days delay required after a linear log file upload, e.g., 2 days.
Delivery method

Select the method of delivery, e.g., Secure Download.

Note: Options available for selection depend on what you have configured in the platform.

Select a duration for the report

Select the date range for the export report to include, e.g., Previous calendar month.

Upload previous upload range is recommended for the Per Spot Upload option as it is date range specific.

Select how many days to offset your data by

Select the number of days that you would like the scheduled date of the report to be offset by, e.g., 5 days.

This means that if you want the report after an upload, the data in the report will be based on the previous five days.

Enter any additional email addresses you wish to have a notification sent to

Select the email addresses of the users to whom you would like to send the report.

Note: You can only select emails for users already added to the platform.


6. Select the email addresses to which the export will be sent. Only the email addresses of users already added to the platform can be selected. To add a user, follow the steps in the section How to create a new user login within the article Managing User Logins.

7. Select Save once you are finished setting up the export.

Related content

FAQs: Managing exports

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