Description: This task describes how to configure exports in InnovidXP. It explains how to create and save action, response, spot, and OTT data exports with the configurations needed. It also details scheduling the automatic delivery of the export and adding columns, for example, to split the data by publisher.
Create a new configuration
To create a new export configuration, the following steps should be used:
Select Data > Export from the main menu.
Select Configure Exports.
Select the Create New Configuration dropdown
Select the export that you would like to configure
Depending on your selection from the dropdown, different aspects are highlighted below:
OTT export
Add a column
You can add more columns using the Dimension, Metrics, and Splits dropdown menus.
Select a menu and select a column name to add it. The column name will appear in the Selected columns box.
Select the data groups you want to include in the Data Groups box. (To remove a column or data group, select "x" for that item.)
Example: Select Publisher from the Dimensions dropdown, select Attributed Impact from the Metrics dropdown, and select State or DMA from the Splits dropdown to view this information in your export. This lets you see the impact of the KPI you are tracking by publisher, split out by either DMA or State.
Note: To remove a column or data group, select 'x' for that item.
Save the new spot export configuration
When you are happy with your configuration, select Save to add it to the list of export configurations.
Action export
- Select the actions you want to include from the Include Actions dropdown, for example, 'sale'.
- Select the media options you want to include from the Include Media dropdown, for example, 'app'.
- Optionally, you can enter a file name for the export. If you choose not to, a file name will be created by default. All files will be appended with a timestamp to avoid overwriting.
Add extra columns
The following 14 columns are included in an action export file by default:
visitdatetime, actiondatetime, usersessionid, actionid, action, totalactionrevenue, actionsessionprobability, actionprobability, attributedrevenue, spottime, network, region, creative, origin, mediatype
You can add more columns by using the metadata dropdown menus.
Note: To remove a column or data group, select 'x' for that item.
Save the new spot export configuration
When you are happy with your configuration, select Save to add it to the list of export configurations.
Response export
- Select the media options you want to include from the Include Media dropdown, for example, 'app'.
- Optionally, you can enter a file name for the export. If you choose not to, a file name will be created by default. All files will be appended with a timestamp to avoid overwriting.
Add extra columns
visitdatetime, usersessionid, probability, spottime, network, region, creative, origin, mediatype
You can add more columns by using the metadata dropdown menus
Note: To remove a column or data group, select 'x' for that item.
Save the new spot export configuration
When you are happy with your configuration, select Save to add it to the list of export configurations.
Spot export
Add extra columns
The following columns are included in the spot export file by default:
spotid, datetime
You can add more columns by using the metadata dropdown menus.
Note: To remove a column or data group, select 'x' for that item.
Save the new spot export configuration
When you are happy with your configuration, select Save to add it to the list of export configurations.
Automatic delivery of reports
For all the different options, you can schedule automatic delivery by selecting the Enable Automation checkbox to schedule automatic delivery of the export via download or remote SFTP. When this checkbox is selected, additional options are displayed. See Automating Exports for information on how to set these options.
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